Principles of operation, construction
The probe measures liquid levels, basing on a simple relationship between the height of the liquid column and the resulting hydrostatic pressure. The pressure measurement is carried out on the level of the separating diaphragm of the immersed probe and is related to atmospheric pressure through a capillary in the cable. The active sensing element is a piezoresistant silicon sensor separated from the medium by an isolating diaphragm. The electronic amplifier, which works in combination with the sensor, and is meant to standardize the signal, is additionally equipped with an overvoltage protection circuit, which protects the probe from damage caused by induced interference from atmospheric discharges or from associated heavy current engineering appliances.
The SGE-25/HASTELLOY hydrostatic level probe is applicable to measure liquid levels in tanks where probe made in stainless steel can’t be used – e.g. in seawater or chemical applications.
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