Digital Controller – Shimaden SR80 Series



  • High accuracy: ± (0.25% FS + 1 digit)
  • Only SR83 (96 x 96) Large 20 mm bright display
    • Make reading from long distance and low light location easier.
  • 2-output heating and cooling control available for SR83 (96 x 96) and SR84 (48 x 96)
  • Auto tuning function for both heating and cooling outputs in a high performance individual expert PID control
  • Both RS232C/RS485 and CC-Link are communication interface ready. (CC-Link available only for SR83)
  • Dust and splash proof front panel Equivalent to IP66
  • A wide selection of additional functions (optional) is available to suit various needs.

Shimaden SR80 series are suitable for applications with higher accuracy control is required.


SR82 (72 x 72) Wide range of optional features
Event output, Remote input, Analog output signal and Communication interface
SR83 (96 x 96) Large 20 mm bright display (PV)
Wide range of optional features
Event output, Remote input, Analog output signal and Communication interface
For example: Selectable One control output type or Two control output type.
SR84 (48 x 96) Wide range of optional features
Event output, Remote input, Analog output signal and Communication interface
For example: Selectable One control output type or Two control output type.
LED display Measured value (PV) display/ 7-segment red LED 4 digits
Set value (SV) display/ 7-segment green LED 4 digits
Display accuracy ±(0.25% FS + 1 digit)
Range in which display accuracy is maintained 23˚C±5˚C
Display resolution Depends on measuring range (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1)
Sampling cycle 250 msec. (0.25 sec.)
Action display/color 11 types, LED lamp display
Control output (OUT1, 2)/green
Event action (EV1, 2, 3)/orange
Auto tuning action (AT)/green
Manual control action (MAN)/green
Set value bias action (SV2/SB)/green
Remote action (REM)/green
Stand-by action (STBY)/green
Communication status (COM/RUN)/green
Setting method By front key switch operation
Setting range Same as measuring range (within setting limiter)
Setting limiter Higher and lower limits separate setting; free within measuring range (Lower limit < higher limit)
Set value resolution Depends on range and scaling (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1)
Setting key type 6 types – PARA (parameter selection), UP, DOWN, AT, ENT and DISP keys
Ramp control upon reaching set value Ascending/descending ramp control
Ramp setting range OFF, 1~9999 Units
Ramp unit time /sec, /min switching by front key operation and communication
Ramp rate x 1, x 0.1 switching by front key operation and communication
Thermocouple B, R, S, K, E, J, T, N, PL II,
WRe5-26, {L, U (DIN43710)} K,
AuFe-Cr Kelvin unit input
Allowable external resistance range 100Ω maximum
Input impedance 500k Ω minimum
Burnout function Standard feature (up scale)
Cold junction temperature compensation accuracy ±2˚C (within a range from 5 to 45˚C)
R.T.D. Pt100/JPt100
Amperage Approx. 0.25mA
Allowable range of lead wire resistance 5Ω maximum/wire
Voltage (multiple input) -10~10, 0~10, 0~20, 0~50,
10~50, 0~100mV DC, or -1~1,
0~1, 0~2, 0~5, 1~5, 0~10V DC
Input impedance 500k Ω minimum
Current 0~20mA, 4~20mA DC
Receiving impedance 250Ω
Sampling cycle 250 msec. (0.25 sec.)
PV bias -1999~1999 Units
PV filter OFF, 1~100 sec.
Cold junction temperature compensation switching INT (internal)/EXT (external) switching by front key operation
Isolation Insulated from various outputs [not insulated from system, DI (external switching input) and CT input]
CONTROL (SR82: 1 output only)
Control system One output operation: Expert PID control with auto tuning function
RA (reverse action): Heating action
DA (direct action): Cooling action
Two output operation (option): Expert PID + PID (control outputs 1 and 2 individually in action) control with auto tuning function
RA (reverse action): Heating action (output 1 side) and cooling (output 2 side)
DA (direct action): 2-stage heating action (by both of control outputs 1 and 2)
PID (Control outputs 1 and 2 individually) Control output 1 Proportional band (P); OFF, 0.1~999.9% (OFF=ON/OFF action)
Integral time (I): OFF, 1~6000 sec. (OFF=with manual reset)
Derivative time (D): OFF, 0~3600 sec.
Manual reset: -50.0 to +50.0% (valid when I=OFF)
ON/OFF hysteresis: 1~1000 unit (valid during ON/OFF action)
Control output 2 (only when two output option is added) Proportional band (P): OFF, 0.1~999.9% (OFF=ON/OFF action)
Integral time (I): OFF, 1~6000 sec.
Derivative time (D): OFF, 0~3600 sec.
ON/OFF hysteresis: 1~1000 Units (valid during ON/OFF action)
Dead band: -1999~5000 Units Separate setting for SV2 is possible.
Setting range is the same as the one listed above.
Proportional cycle (for contact and SSR drive voltage output)
Control output 1 1~120 sec.
Control output 2 1~120 sec.
AT point setting 0-5000 Units
Control output characteristics RA (reverse action)/DA (direct action) switchable by front key operation or DI (external switching input) through communication.
Higher and lower limit output limiter (individually for control outputs 1 and 2) Lower limit side: 0.0~99.9%,
Higher limit side: 0.1~100.0% on condition that lower limit value < higher limit value. Separate setting for SB/SV2 is possible. Setting range is the same as the one listed above.
Control output at time of error (individually for control outputs 1 and 2) 0.0~100.0%
Control output type/rating (common to control outputs 1 and 2) Contact (Y): 240V AC 2.5A/resistive load
SSR drive voltage (P): 12V ±1.5V DC, load current 30mA maximum
Current (I): 4~20mA DC, load resistance 600Ω maximum
Voltage (V): 0~10V DC, load current 2mA maximum
Output resolution
Control output 1 Approx. 0.0125% (1/8000)
Control output 2 Approx. 0.5% (1/200)
Sampling cycle 250 msec. (0.25 sec.)
Manual control Manual switching Front key operation or DI (external switching input) through communication
Manual control output 0.0-100.0% (out of output limiter range possible)
Setting resolution 0.10%
Manual ↔ automatic control Balanceless bumpless (within proportional band, though)
Isolation Insulated between control output and system and various inputs (not insulated between control output of current, voltage or SSR and analog output)
EVENT OUTPUT (optional)
Number of event outputs SR82 – 2
SR83 – 3 (2 when 2 output option is added)
SR84 – 3 (2 when communication option, analog output option and/or 2 output option are added) (In case of 2 event outputs, EV2 and EV3 are common output with OR.)
Event type Selectable from 8 types (7 types when heater break alarm option is not added)
A_Hi: Higher limit absolute value alarm
A_Lo: Lower limit absolute value alarm
D_Hi: Higher limit deviation value alarm
D_Lo: Lower limit deviation value alarm
D_i: Higher/lower limit deviation value alarm (within range)
D_o: Higher/lower limit deviation value alarm (out of range)
Sco: Scaleover (input trouble alarm)
Hb: Heater break alarm (selectable only when heater break alarm option is added)
Event setting range Deviation value alarm
Higher limit alarm: -1999~9999 Units
Lower limit alarm: -1999~9999 Units
Higher/lower limit alarm: 0~9999 Units
Absolute value alarm
Both higher and lower limits: Within measuring range
Event setting system By front key operation
Event action ON/OFF action
Event hysteresis 1~1000 Units
Stand-by/nonstand-by action Selectable from 5 types
Alarm action without stand-by
Alarm action with stand-by (When power is ON)
Alarm action with stand-by (When power is ON, when stand-by is switched to execution)
Alarm action with stand-by (When power is ON, when stand-by is switched to execution, including the time when SV is changed)
Control action
Event action delay OFF, 1~9999 sec.
Event output/rating Contact 240V AC 1.0A (resistive load)
Output updating cycle 250 msec. (0.25 sec.)
ANALOG OUTPUT (optional, not selectable together with communication type (1) and (2))  
The number of analog output 1
Output signal Selectable from 5 types (3 types for instrument with one output)
PV: Measured value
SV: Set value
DEV: Deviation output
OUT 1: Control output 1
OUT 2: Control output 2 (selectable only when 2 output option is added)
Output type/rating 0~10mV DC/FS Output impedance: 10Ω 0~10V DC/FS Load current: 2mA maximum
4~20mA DC/FS Load resistance: 300Ω maximum
Output scaling PV/SV: Within measuring range (inverted scaling possible) OUT1/OUT2: 0.0-100.0% (inverted scaling possible) DEV: -100.0~100.0% (inverted scaling possible ) on condition that Ao_L ≠ Ao_H
Output accuracy ±0.3% FS (to displayed value)
Output resolution 0.01% FS (1/10000)
Output updating cycle 250 msec. (0.25 sec.)
Isolation Insulated from system and various inputs (not insulated from control outputs I, P and V)
HEATER BREAK ALARM (optional, not selectable together with REM input)  
Current capacity 30A or 50A CT to be specified when order is placed.
Alarm action Heater amperage detected by external CT (CT attached). Alarm output ON upon detection of heater break while control output is ON. Alarm output ON upon detection of heater loop alarm while control output is OFF.
Current setting range 0.1~50.0A (Alarm action stops when OFF is set.)
Setting resolution 0.1A
Current display 0.0~55.0A
Display accuracy Approx. 3% FS  (for 50Hz/60Hz sine wave)
Minimum time for action confirmation ON (OFF) time 250 msec.
Alarm output/rating Contact 240V AC 1.0A (resistive load)
Alarm action display ”Event” lamp lights during action.
Alarm holding mode Switchable between holding and not holding on the setting screen.
Sampling time 500 msec. (0.5 sec.)
Isolation Insulated between CT input and various outputs (not insulated from system and other inputs)
REMOTE (optional, not selectable together with heater break alarm)  
Remote setting By external analog signal
Switching to remote By DI (external switching) input (valid only when DI option is added) Remote/local switching function by remote signal
Remote switching point OFF, 0.1~50.0%
Remote switching hysteresis 0.1~10.0%
Remote scaling Within measuring range (inverted scaling possible)
Accuracy of setting ±(0.25% SF + 1 digit)
Setting signal 0~10, 1~5V DC (Input impedance: 500k Ω min.)
4~20mA DC (Receiving impedance: 250Ω)
Remote bias -1999~1999 units
Remote filter OFF, 1~100 sec.
Sampling cycle 500 msec. (0.5 sec.)
Isolation Insulated between remote input and various outputs (not insulated from system and various inputs)
COMMUNICATION (optional, not selectable together with analog output for SR82 and SR84)  
Communication type (1) RS-232C, RS-485
Communication system RS-232C 3-line half duplex system
RS-485 2-line half duplex multiple drop (bus) system
Synchronization system Start-stop synchronization system
Communication distance RS-232C maximum 15 m
RS-485 maximum 500 m (depending on conditions)
Communication speed 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
Data bit length 7 bits, even parity, stop bit 1
7 bits, even parity, stop bit 2
7 bits, no parity, stop bit 1
7 bits, no parity, stop bit 2
8 bits, even parity, stop bit 1
8 bits, even parity, stop bit 2
8 bits, no parity, stop bit 1
8 bits, no parity, stop bit 2
Communication address 1~99
Communication memory mode EEP/RAM/r_E
Communication BCC Add/Add two’s cmp/XOR/None
Communication delay time OFF, 1~100
Communication code ASCII code
Communication protocol Shimaden standard protocol
The number of instruments allowed to be connected RS-232C        1
RS-485           32 maximum (depending on conditions; host included)
Isolation Insulated between communication signal and various inputs/system/ various outputs
Communication type (2) Conforming with Mitsubishi Electric Company’s CC-Link (only for SR83, simultaneous selection of analog output is not possible)
Transmission speed 156K, 625K, 2.5M, 5M, 10Mbps
Private station 1
Communication method Polling method
Synchoronization method Frame synchronous method
Coding system NRZI system
Transmission line Bus (RS-485)
Transmission format Conforming with HDLC
DI (EXTERNAL SWITCHING) INPUT (optional) *DI stands for “Digital Input.”  
Number of DI point 2
DI input type Selectable from 8 types (7 types if the remote option is not added.)
NOP: No operation
STB: Execution/stand-by
SB/SV2: Set value bias/set value 2
AT: Auto tuning
MAN: Manual
STP: Ramp temporary stop
DA: Direct action
REM: Remote (selectable only when remote option is added)
DI input rating Nonvoltage contact, open collector input (about 5V/2mA impress)
Isolation Insulated between DI input and various outputs (not insulated from system and various inputs)
SET VALUE 2 (SV2)/Set Value Bias (SB) (optional) (DI option is prerequisite.)  
Action input Nonvoltage contact by SB/SV2 selection through DI (external switching) input (in action during closed input)
Selection of setting Absolute value setting (SV2)
Deviation value setting (SB)
Setting range Absolute value setting: Within measuring range
Deviation value setting: -1999~5000 Units SV2 allows PID and output limit to be set.
Data storage By non-volatile memory (EEPROM)
Ambient temperature/ humidity ranges for use -10~+50˚C/below 90% RH (on condition that there is no dewcondensation)
Temperature for storage Between -20 and +65˚C
Power supply 100V-240V AC±10% (50/60 Hz),
24V AC±10% (50/ 60Hz),
24V DC±10%.
(One of the above to be specified)
Power consumption 12V A maximum
Input noise removal ratio Normal mode 60 dB minimum (50/60 Hz)
Common mode 140 dB minimum (50/60 Hz)
Applicable standards Safety: IEC1010-1 and EN61010-1
EMC: EN61326
Insulation resistance Between input/output terminals and power terminal 500V DC 20M Ω minimum Between input/output terminals and protective conductor terminal 500V DC 20M Ω minimum
Dielectric strength 1 minute at 2300V AC between input/output terminals and power terminal
1 minute at 1500V AC between power terminal and protective conductor terminal
Protective structure Only front panel has simple dustproof and drip-proof structure (equivalent to IP66)
Material of case PPO resin molding (equivalent to UL94V-1)
External dimensions SR82    H72 x W72 x D111 mm
(Inside depth of panel: 100 mm)
SR83    H96 x W96 x D111 mm
(Inside depth of panel: 100 mm)
SR84     H96 x W48 x D111 mm
(Inside depth of panel: 100 mm)
Mounting Push-in panel (one-touch mount)
Applicable panel thickness 1.0~4.0 mm
Panel cutout size SR82: H68 x W68 mm
SR83: H92 x W92 mm
SR84: H92 x W45 mm
Weight SR82: 300g
SR83: 420g
SR84: 280g

Ordering Information


SERIES SR82- MPU-Based Auto-Tuning PID Digital Controller
DIN H72 × W72 mm
INPUT 1 Thermocouple User-selectable inputs and ranges
2 R.T.D. User-selectable ranges
3 DC Voltage User-selectable 0~10, 10~50,
-10~10, 0~20, 0~50,
0~100mV DC linear inputs
4 DC Current User-selectable 4~20,
0~20mA DC linear inputs
5 DC Voltage User-selectable 0~1,
1~5, -1~1, 0~2, 0~5,
0~10V DC linear inputs
CONTROL OUTPUT 1 Y- Contact PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds,
Contact Capacity: 240V AC 2.5A / resistive load, 1A / inductive load
I- Current 4~20mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω Max
P- SSR Voltage PB Cycle 1~120 seconds, Output rating:
12V ±1.5V DC 30mA Max.
V- Voltage 0~10V DC
Maximum load current: 2mA Max.
POWER SUPPLY 90- 100~240V AC ±10% 50/60Hz
10- 24V AC ±10% 50/60Hz
02- 24V DC ±10%
EVENT OUTPUT (2 points) [OPTION] 0 None
1 Contact output, Contact capacity: 240V AC 1A / resistive load
2 Contact output + Heater break alarm
(with 30A CT)
Selectable only for Y or P Control output
3 Contact output + Heater break alarm
(with 50A CT)
(Not selectable together with Heater break alarm function) [OPTION]
00 None
14 Current 4~20mA DC
Receiving resistance: 250 Ω
15 Voltage 1~5V DC
Input resistance: 500k Ω Min.
16 Voltage 0~10V DC
Input resistance: 500k Ω Min.
(Not selectable together with Interface function) [OPTION]
0 None
3 Voltage 0~10mV DC, Output resistance: 10 Ω
4 Current 4~20mA DC, Load resistance: 300 Ω Max.
6 Voltage 0~10V DC, Load current: 2mA Max.
(Not selectable together with Analog output function) [OPTION]
0 None
5 RS-485
7 RS-232C
1 Control input 2 points, Non-voltage contact, Open collector
input (about 5V / 2mA impress)
REMARKS 0 Without
9 With (Please consult before ordering.)


SERIES SR83- MPU-Based Auto-Tuning PID Digital Controller
DIN H96 × W96 mm
INPUT 1 Thermocouple User-selectable inputs and ranges
2 R.T.D. User-selectable ranges
3 DC Voltage User-selectable 0~10, 10~50,
-10~10, 0~20, 0~50,
0~100mV DC linear inputs
4 DC Current User-selectable 4~20,
0~20mA DC linear inputs
5 DC Voltage User-selectable 0~1,
1~5, -1~1, 0~2, 0~5,
0~10V DC linear inputs
CONTROL OUTPUT 1 Y- Contact PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds, Contact Capacity: 240V AC 2.5A / resistive load, 1A / inductive load
I- Current 4~20mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω Max.
P- SSR Voltage PB Cycle 1~120 seconds, Output rating: 12V ±1.5V DC 30mA Max.
V- Voltage 0~10V DC
Maximum load current: 2mA Max.
N- None
Y- Contact PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds, Contact Capacity: 240V AC 2.5A / resistive load, 1A / inductive load
I- Current 4~20mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω Max.
P- SSR Voltage PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds, Output rating: 12V ±1.5V DC 30mA Max.
V- Voltage 0~10V DC
Maximum load current: 2mA Max.
POWER SUPPLY 90- 100~240V AC ±10% 50/60Hz
10- 24V AC ±10% 50/60Hz
02- 24V DC ±10%
EVENT OUTPUT (3 points) (2 points when 2 output option is added) [OPTION] 0 None
1 Contact output, Contact capacity: 240V AC 1A / resistive load
2 Contact output + Heater break alarm
(with 30A CT)
Selectable only for Y or P Control output
3 Contact output + Heater break alarm
(with 50A CT)
(Not selectable together with Heater break alarm function) [OPTION]
00 None
14 Current 4~20mA DC
Receiving resistance: 250 Ω
15 Voltage 1~5V DC
Input resistance: 500k Ω Min.
16 Voltage 0~10V DC
Input resistance: 500k Ω Min.
(Not selectable together with CC-Link function) [OPTION]
0 None
3 Voltage 0~10mV DC, Output resistance: 10 Ω
4 Current 4~20mA DC, Load resistance: 300 Ω Max.
6 Voltage 0~10V DC, Load current: 2mA Max.
(When CC-Link function is selected, simultaneous selection of Analog output is not possible) [OPTION]
0 None
5 RS-485
7 RS-232C
8 CC-Link (Conforming with Mitsubishi Electric Company’s CCLink)
(Not selectable together with Analog output function)
1 Control input 2 points, Non-voltage contact, Open collector
input (about 5V / 2mA impress)
REMARKS 0 Without
9 With (Please consult before ordering.)


SERIES SR84- MPU-Based Auto-Tuning PID Digital Controller
DIN H96 × W96 mm
INPUT 1 Thermocouple User-selectable inputs and ranges
2 R.T.D. User-selectable ranges
3 DC Voltage User-selectable 0~10, 10~50,
-10~10, 0~20, 0~50,
0~100mV DC linear inputs
4 DC Current User-selectable 4~20,
0~20mA DC linear inputs
6 DC Voltage User-selectable 0~1,
1~5, -1~1, 0~2, 0~5,
0~10V DC linear inputs
CONTROL OUTPUT 1 Y- Contact PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds, Contact Capacity: 240V AC 2.5A / resistive load, 1A / inductive load
I- Current 4~20mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω Max.
P- SSR Voltage PB Cycle 1~120 seconds, Output rating: 12V ±1.5V DC 30mA Max.
V- Voltage 0~10V DC
Maximum load current: 2mA Max.
N- None
Y- Contact PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds, Contact Capacity: 240V AC 2.5A / resistive load, 1A / inductive load
I- Current 4~20mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω Max.
P- SSR Voltage PB Cycle: 1~120 seconds, Output rating: 12V ±1.5V DC 30mA Max.
V- Voltage 0~10V DC
Maximum load current: 2mA Max.
POWER SUPPLY 90- 100~240V AC ±10% 50/60Hz
10- 24V AC ±10% 50/60Hz
02- 24V DC ±10%
EVENT OUTPUT (3 points) (2 points when 2 output option is added) [OPTION] 0 None
1 Contact output, Contact capacity: 240V AC 1A / resistive load
2 Contact output + Heater break alarm
(with 30A CT)
Selectable only for Y or P Control output
3 Contact output + Heater break alarm
(with 50A CT)
(Not selectable together with Heater break alarm function) [OPTION]
00 None
14 Current 4~20mA DC
Receiving resistance: 250 Ω
15 Voltage 1~5V DC
Input resistance: 500k Ω Min.
16 Voltage 0~10V DC
Input resistance: 500k Ω Min.
(Not selectable together with Interface function) [OPTION]
0 None
3 Voltage 0~10mV DC, Output resistance: 10 Ω
4 Current 4~20mA DC, Load resistance: 300 Ω Max.
6 Voltage 0~10V DC, Load current: 2mA Max.
(Not selectable together with Analog output function) [OPTION]
0 None
5 RS-485
7 RS-232C
1 Control input 2 points, Non-voltage contact, Open collector
input (about 5V / 2mA impress)
REMARKS 0 Without
9 With (Please consult before ordering.)


Shimaden SR80 Series – Digital Controller-DpstarGroup


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